What’s Causing an Increase in Pedestrian Accidents? | Scott Goodwin Law

What’s Causing an Increase in Pedestrian Accidents?

by / Wednesday, 16 October 2024 / Published in Motor Vehicle Accidents
Pedestrian walking in a crosswalk with a car about to hit them.

Over the years, a lot of progress has been made in finding ways to improve traffic safety. For example, new cars are getting increasingly more features to help drivers avoid car accidents and to protect occupants of a car if a crash does occur. But one type of traffic accident that has actually been increasing in recent years is pedestrian accidents. 

According to the NHTSA, 7,522 pedestrian fatalities occurred in 2022, accounting for 18% of all traffic fatalities that year. This also represents an 83% increase in pedestrian fatalities since hitting a low point in 2009. There isn’t just one main reason leading to this tragic trend. Many traffic safety experts point to a combination of different factors that could be responsible. 

Vehicle Design

Over time, SUVs and larger pickup trucks have gained popularity while smaller cars like sedans have become an increasingly less common sight on the roads. Unfortunately, the larger size of SUVs and pickup trucks can make the road more dangerous for pedestrians. The design of these types of vehicles often creates large blind spots that make it more difficult for drivers to see pedestrians around. Children in particular can be difficult for drivers to see. The larger size of these vehicles also means that they’re more likely to strike a pedestrian on parts of the body that are more likely to result in serious injuries, like the chest or head. 

Driver Behavior

Even though pedestrian accidents had been on the rise for years before the pandemic, pedestrian fatalities were concerningly high in 2020. Even though people were driving less during that time, that didn’t necessarily translate into fewer traffic fatalities. With fewer cars on the road, many people took those empty roads as an invitation to do things like ignore the speed limit. But even as things returned to normal, that doesn’t necessarily mean that drivers have given up unsafe behaviors. General driver negligence can easily happen at any point in time.

Road Design

Very often, pedestrians face infrastructure issues that can increase the risk of being hit by a car. Inadequate street lighting, for example, can make it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians who are trying to cross a road while inadequate sidewalks can force pedestrians to walk close to passing traffic. A lack of designated crosswalks can also lead to pedestrians trying to cross roads in unsafe ways. 

Contact a Michigan Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in any type of accident involving a motor vehicle, whether you were a pedestrian or in a car, don’t hesitate to contact an auto accident lawyer. Talking to an attorney early on will give you a chance to get answers to any questions you have about your case and help make sure your case is handled correctly from the beginning. Scott Goodwin Law is experienced in helping car accident victims like you. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.