Common Causes of Brain Injuries in Newborns
Even in the best situations, giving birth will always be a complex process. There will always be a chance that something unexpected could happen during labor or delivery which could injure either the mother or the baby. But when those unexpected events occur, it’s not necessarily always something that was simply unavoidable. Unfortunately, many birth injury cases involve injuries that could have been prevented. Brain injuries are just one type of birth trauma a baby could experience and here are a few ways these injuries can occur.
Oxygen Deprivation
There are several different ways a baby might experience a lack of oxygen during delivery. In some cases, there can be issues with the umbilical cord, such as cord prolapse or compression. In other cases, there may be complications with the placenta, like placental abruption or placenta previa. If a uterine rupture occurs, that can also cause a baby to lose oxygen. Regardless of what causes the lack of oxygen, it’s crucial for doctors to act quickly to solve the issue. The longer a baby experiences a lack of oxygen during delivery, the more likely it is they will experience significant, long-term health issues.
Physical Trauma
Sometimes, delivery can become prolonged if the baby is large or if the baby was in a breech position and it wasn’t corrected before labor began. This increases the chances that a baby could go into distress and when it happens, doctors have a few different options to help deliver the baby. In some cases, doctors might try using birth assisting tools, like forceps and vacuum extraction. But if birth assisting tools aren’t used correctly, such as by using too much force, it could potentially cause injuries to the skull and the brain.
Maternal Infections
In some cases, the mother might have an infection which can potentially be dangerous to the baby if doctors don’t handle the situation appropriately. Infections like rubella, chicken pox, cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex, listeriosis, and Group B streptococcus could harm a baby’s brain if transmitted to the baby either during pregnancy or during delivery. Depending on the nature of the infection, a C-section delivery might be advisable. Pregnancy safe antibiotics could also be a treatment option.
Contact a Michigan Birth Injury Lawyer
Since birth trauma cases are often cases of medical malpractice, it’s very important to have someone on your side who knows the law. Don’t try to go it alone. If you believe your child sustained an injury around the time of birth, don’t hesitate to contact a birth injury lawyer for help. Even if your child is a few years old, you may still have legal options. Scott Goodwin Law has experience helping people who have been in your shoes and can help answer any questions you have about your case. Contact us today for a free consultation and find out how we can help you.