Neonatal Facial Palsy Causes & Symptoms
When labor and delivery become complicated, there are several different things that can go wrong. In some situations, an emergency c-section might be necessary to deliver a baby as quickly as possible and avoid the risk of injury to the baby and the mother. In other situations, a doctor might use tools like forceps to help deliver the baby. When used correctly, forceps are safe to use during delivery. But if birth-assisting tools aren’t used appropriately, there can be a risk for injuries like facial palsy.
What is Facial Palsy & What Causes It?
Facial palsy is a condition that can happen to people of any age for a wide range of reasons. However, in the case of newborns, it’s often due to damage to the baby’s seventh cranial nerve, which controls facial movements, as well as tear production and taste capabilities in much of the tongue.
Most commonly, this occurs in complicated deliveries where forceps are used to help deliver the baby, but it could potentially be caused by other factors. If a lack of oxygen occurs during delivery and leads to a stroke, it could also cause facial palsy. In some cases, facial palsy can be linked to other medical conditions, like Bell’s palsy or a tumor.
Symptoms of Facial Palsy
If a newborn has facial palsy, you may notice signs of it in the lower part of the baby’s face, such as if their mouth moves unevenly while crying. You may also notice an eye isn’t closing all the way on one side of the face or a lack of movement in general on one side of the baby’s face.
Treatment for Facial Palsy
Very often, cases of facial paralysis in newborns clears up on its own over time without long-term health complications for the baby. But in more severe cases, surgery may be needed for treatment. If permanent paralysis occurs, therapy may be an option to help.
Contact a Michigan Birth Trauma Lawyer
If you have reason to believe your child was injured around the time of birth, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a birth injury lawyer. In many cases, these types of injuries could have been prevented. We understand how these cases affect both the child and their family, and we can help you get the justice you deserve. At Scott Goodwin Law, you’ll be able to get help from a lawyer who has helped people just like you. Contact us today to schedule a free case consultation and find out how we can help you.