Are Pelvic Floor Injuries a Type of Birth Trauma? | Scott Goodwin Law

Are Pelvic Floor Injuries a Type of Birth Trauma?

by / Wednesday, 24 July 2024 / Published in Birth Trauma
New mother laying in a hospital bed holding a baby.

It’s important to understand that birth injuries don’t just include injuries to the baby, they can include injuries to the mother as well, such as pelvic floor injuries. 

The pelvic floor refers to a group of muscles and connective tissues located underneath the pelvis, between the tailbone and the front of the public bone. These muscles help provide important support for organs in this part of the body and their functions. When trauma occurs to these muscles, it can cause significant problems such as back pain, organ prolapse, sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and bowel issues. In some cases, pelvic floor injuries can be difficult to detect and aren’t treated until later on. According to University of Michigan Medicine, almost 1 in 10 women who give birth vaginally each year eventually need to have surgery because of issues with the pelvic floor. 

Childbirth is the most common cause of injuries to the pelvic floor and there are several different factors that can affect the chances of experiencing these types of injuries, including:

  • If it’s the first time a mother has a vaginal delivery
  • Advanced maternal age
  • Use of forceps during delivery
  • The baby being larger than average
  • Deep tears during delivery
  • A prolonged second phase of labor

Some of these factors, like the size of the baby, are things that are beyond the control of any doctor. However, doctors and other medical professionals have a responsibility to recognize risk factors and take appropriate steps to reduce the risk of harm to both the mother and the baby. For example, if ultrasounds during pregnancy show that the baby is large enough to cause concern about complications during delivery, the doctor could discuss having a cesarean delivery with the patient, which would help reduce the risk of pelvic floor injuries in the mother and the risk of injuries in the baby caused by things like shoulder dystocia or going into distress during delivery. 

Contact a Michigan Birth Injury Lawyer

Very often, cases of birth injuries to either the mother or the baby could have been prevented. If you have reason to believe that you or your child experienced an injury around the time of birth, don’t hesitate to contact a birth trauma lawyer for help. At Scott Goodwin Law, we’re experienced in handling both birth injury and medical malpractice cases in the State of Michigan. Even if you’re worried that too much time has passed for you to be able to take legal action, give us a call anyway. You may still be able to get the justice you and your family deserves. Contact us today to schedule a free case consultation.