Birth Trauma Linked to Placenta Previa
One thing many people might not realize happens during pregnancy is that the placenta tends to shift around. In the earlier stages of pregnancy, it’s very common for the placenta to be low, near or on the cervix. When the placenta is on or near the cervix, it’s known as placenta previa. When it occurs early in pregnancy, it’s generally not something to be terribly concerned about because the placenta will likely shift higher up on its own as the baby continues to grow. But if you get into your third trimester and the placenta is still too low, this can potentially cause serious problems.
Complications of Placenta Previa
While there isn’t a cure for placenta previa, it’s still extremely important for doctors to carefully monitor patients and take all appropriate steps to help ensure the baby is delivered as closely to its due date as possible. Very often, placenta previa leads to babies being born prematurely, which inherently puts them at a higher risk of being injured around the time of birth and a higher risk of developing other health conditions. Placenta previa can also result in complications like placental abruption and placenta accreta, both of which can potentially interfere with the child’s oxygen supply. If interruptions to oxygen aren’t addressed immediately, that lack of oxygen could result in serious health problems like HIE.
Placenta Previa Risk Factors
Placenta previa is a type of birth complication that doesn’t have any specific known causes, but there are some risk factors that have been linked to it:
Placenta previa in previous pregnancies
Having given birth before
Carrying multiple babies
Being considered “advanced maternal age”
Prior surgery on your uterus
Addressing Placenta Previa
Placenta previa can occur in varying degrees. Marginal previa is when the placenta is near the cervix, but without actually covering any part of it. Partial previa refers to cases when the placenta covers part of the cervix, but not all of it. In cases of complete previa, the placenta completely covers the cervix, blocking the baby from entering the birth canal. In the vast majority of cases, a C-section is necessary to deliver a baby when complete previa exists.
Depending on the situation, it may be advisable for doctors to order things like bed rest and more frequent monitoring of the condition. They may also advise against other activities that have been linked to an increased risk of bleeding during pregnancy, such as exercise.
Contact a Birth Trauma Lawyer
If you experienced placenta previa during pregnancy and your child suffered injuries around the time of birth, don’t hesitate to contact a birth trauma lawyer as soon as possible. Even if your child is a few years old and you’re just now beginning to suspect they may have sustained a birth injury, you may still have options. It’s very common for symptoms of birth trauma to take time to show.
At Goodwin & Scieszka, we’ve worked with many Michigan birth trauma victims who have been in your situation. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.
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