Springtime Slip and Fall Accidents | Scott Goodwin Law

Springtime Slip and Fall Accidents

by / Monday, 13 May 2019 / Published in Personal Injury
Caution Wet Floor sign on tile floor

At long last, winter is over! Temperatures are warming up, the days are getting sunnier, and the snow and ice on the ground have melted. But just because snow and ice are quickly becoming a thing of the past, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the risk of a slip and fall accident goes away during the springtime.

We’ve all heard the old adage that April showers bring May flowers and here in Michigan, it’s very common for us to have a lot of rain all throughout spring. Rain doesn’t need to be shoveled, but it can still make the ground very slippery. Unfortunately, the moisture from rain doesn’t always necessarily stay outside, either. It’s very easy for water to get tracked inside as people come in and out of buildings throughout the day, which can make floors very slick.

Whether it’s in a house, a store, an apartment building, or an office building, one of the best things you can do to help protect people from slip and fall accidents is try to prevent water from being tracked around. Keep mats or rugs by entrances so that people can clean their shoes off when they come in. At home, you may want to consider asking people to take their shoes off when they come in the house. For stores, office buildings, and other types of commercial properties, it’s important for owners/property managers to be diligent about maintaining floors in common areas to get rid of puddles and to provide rugs that will help people dry their shoes when they come in.

Weather can be very unpredictable during the spring months and just because it can be warm, it’s important to remember that it can still get quite cold at times. Not only do we still get some colder days, it’s very common for temperatures to drop below freezing at night. And if those colder temperatures come shortly after a rainfall, it’s entirely possible that some ice patches may form on sidewalks and in parking lots. If you have some salt or deicer leftover from the winter, don’t put it away just yet, because it might still come in handy.

Going for a walk can be a great way to spend a spring day, but be sure to keep an eye on the sidewalk itself. Just as roadways get potholes during freeze/thaw cycles, sidewalks can also get damaged by changes in temperature. Watch out for things like cracks in the sidewalk and uneven sections that could be very easy to trip on. If you notice any damaged concrete on property you own that could be a trip hazard, try to have it replaced as soon as possible.

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident, it’s very important to speak to a slip and fall lawyer as soon as possible. Depending on exactly where a fall occurred, liability can be complicated and a lawyer will be able to help answer your questions and help you learn more about your legal options. At Goodwin & Scieszka, we have lawyers who are experienced in handling Michigan slip and fall cases. Contact us today with your questions.